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Beneficiary Withdraw Funds

Beneficiary Withdraw Funds

This allows beneficiary to withdraw funds using one of the payment methods from their XTRM 'AnyPay™' Digital Wallet. On UserWithdrawFund call a 6 digit one time password(OTP) is generated and sent to user. Get the 6 digit OTP value from the user in your application and resubmit UserWithdrawFund with OTP included.


Header Parameters


bearer access_token



Request Parameters


String length: inclusive between 1 and 25


String length: inclusive between 1 and 25


String length: inclusive between 1 and 25


String length: 3


String length: inclusive between 1 and 25

UserLinkedBankIDstring for Method: Bank

string length: inclusive between 1 and 25

UserPayPalEmailIDstring for Method: PayPal

string length: inclusive between 1 and 25

UserPrepaidVisaEmailIDstring for Method: Prepaid Virtual Cash Card

String length: inclusive between 1 and 300
Minimum amount is $5.00 and Maximum amount is $1000.00

UserGiftCardEmailIDstring for Method: Digital Gift Card

string length: inclusive between 1 and 25

skustring for Method: Digital Gift Card

string length: inclusive between 1 and 10

OTPstringRequired on every withdraw call.

String length: six digit integer

Reponse Parameters


Returned if successful List of Transaction detail found. For each transaction detail the following parameters are allowed: PaymentDate—Date when payment is processed
PaymentStatus—Status of payment
RedemptionInstructions—Complete redemption instruction of the prepaid or digital gift card sent.


Always returned Indicates the status of the operation. Allowed parameters are:
Errors - Displays an error message if the Property name Obligation Definition/value operation was unsuccessful. For more information, see API Error Message Appendix.
Success—Indicates whether the operation was successful. Returns True if the action was successful or False if it was not successful.

Sample Request:

  "UserWithdrawFund": {
    "request": {
        "IssuerAccountNumber": "SPN Account Number",
        "UserID": "PAT Account Number",
        "Amount": "Payment Amount",     
        "Currency":"Currency Code",  
        "PaymentMethodId": "Use 'GetUserPaymentMethods' to get PaymentMethodID",       
        "UserLinkedBankID": "Use 'GetLinkedBankAccounts' to get UserLinkedBankID",
        "UserPayPalEmailID": "User PayPal Email ID",
        "UserPrepaidVisaEmailID": "User Prepaid Virtual Visa Email ID",
        "OTP":"six digit integer"

Sample Response:

	"UserWithdrawFundResponse": {
		"UserWithdrawFundResult": {
			"PaymentDate": 2017-11-09T03:50:22.893,
			"PaymentStatus": "Completed",
			"OperationStatus": {
				"Success": false,
				"Errors": []